Corporate Ethics

Corporate Ethics

At RFPSOLUTIONS INC., we are focussed on helping our public sector clients reduce the risks, delays and complexity typically associated with the RFP process.

We reduce the risks of cost over-runs, bid challenges and project failure through our expertise in defining precise and easily understood Statements of Work and Technical Specifications, in addition to Bid Evaluation Criteria that are objective, easily measured and meaningful.

We speed up the RFP process by quickly deploying teams of specialists who work closely with the client’s internal contracting group to offset heavy workloads, meet tight deadlines, or to expedite urgent requirements.

We provide the knowledge and expertise needed to handle complex RFP requirements, based on the extensive skills and experience of our team in the field of public sector contracting.

In keeping with the ethical standards of the procurement and contracting profession to which we belong, RFPSOLUTIONS operates in full compliance with the codes of ethics and conduct for purchasing practitioners established by both the Canadian Institute for Procurement and Materiel Management (CIPMM) and Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC) | Supply & Demand Chain Executive .

In addition, we maintain absolute confidentiality concerning all client and bidder information related to RFP’s, divulge nothing to outside parties before, during or after the RFP process, and maintain valid government security clearances. It is also our strict policy to fully exempt ourselves as potential bidders from all RFP’s to which we have contributed.

We do not and will not sell or transfer a recipient’s personal information to anyone, ever. 

We are an independent firm.  We work only for public sector clients, and we have no affiliations with any other businesses (public sector suppliers or otherwise), except for our joint-venture partner SETASIDE SOLUTIONS – the majority partner in the SETASIDE SOLUTIONS Indigenous Joint-Venture.