Our Commitment to the Environment

Our Environmental Commitment

At RFPSOLUTIONS INC., our organization and team are committed to providing procurement and materiel management professional services in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

Our approach to client service delivery is aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and the environmental impact associated with our operations while maintaining a healthy and safe workplace for our team and visiting clients.


We achieve our commitment and will continually improve our environmental performance through the following on-going initiatives:

  • Review and conscious decision-making on the use, or where possible reduction in the use, of paper products and office supplies;
  • Recycling and reuse of existing materials;
  • Decisions to use sustainable and environmentally responsible products, supplies and services. This may also include, where appropriate, consideration of local source, ‘green’ manufacturers and service providers, Aboriginal businesses, and other sustainable business practices;Use of non-toxic products, in keeping with our health and safety commitment to our team and clients;
  • Equipment acquisition decisions made considering the total life cycle of the equipment and any downstream environmental impacts (with a particular emphasis on appropriate decision-making with respect to electronic equipment and handling of surplus equipment and electronic waste);
  • Delivery of service in a manner which reduces our carbon footprint through the delivery of our products via electronic means to also minimize the environmental impact on our clients’ operations, and through the use of alternative fuels, modes of transportation and teleconference options for in-person service delivery, where appropriate; and
  • Sharing of our commitment to the environment with our clients, supporting them in implementing environmentally sustainable procurement and materiel management practices through the application of similar principles – we are committed to assisting our clients in achieving truly “green” procurement!

Our commitment includes maintaining compliance with all applicable federal and provincial legislation and keeping in step with best management practices appropriate to our organization and service providers of similar size, nature and scale.

The health and safety of our team and the environment in which we operate are essential to the future of our organization and the planet. Our team is aware of and supports these commitments.